...doing what Black-and-White Warblers do
White photographing her, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and high up. There was a Yellow Warbler, quickly gone, and then above that a Northern Parula.
oh, the Parulas have no tails in the Ramble...
The Parula seemed to be getting along fine without a tail, but I assume he'll be around until he regrows those feathers. I see a bird or two every Fall migration without tail feathers, usually a warbler or sometimes a sparrow. I wonder why they start migrating before their molt, or what else it could be.
I didn't see the Worm-Eating Warbler reported at the Upper Lobe. I also didn't see much at Randall's Island on Tuesday--Black-Crowned Night Heron, Great Egret, Spotted Sandpiper--but I assume the shorebirds will arrive in good time.
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